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2013/2014 niestacjonarne studia drugiego stopnia Faculty of Management

Spatial Economy

Subject Number of hours ECTS points Form of verification Code Block
Economic doctrines and their development
Lectures: 18
3 Assessment 1 A
Managerial economics
Lectures: 18
Classes: 18
6 Exam 1 A
Spatial economics
Lectures: 18
3 Assessment 1 A
Economical decision analysis
Lectures: 9
Classes: 18
4 Exam 1 A
Management concepts
Lectures: 9
Classes: 18
5 Exam 1 A
Strategic management
Lectures: 18
Classes: 18
6 Exam 1 A
Public finance
Lectures: 18
3 Assessment 1 B
Subject Number of hours ECTS points Form of verification Code Block
Civil and commercial law
Lectures: 18
3 Assessment 1 A
Dynamics and evolution of space-economic systems
Lectures: 18
Classes: 9
3 Exam 1 B
Spatial econometrics
Lectures: 9
Classes: 18
4 Exam 1 B
Environmental economics
Lectures: 18
3 Assessment 1 B
International aspects of regional policy
Lectures: 18
3 Assessment 1 B
Prognozowanie zjawisk i procesów gospodarczych
Lectures: 9
Classes: 18
3 Assessment 1 B
Managing the development of cities and regions
Lectures: 9
Classes: 18
4 Exam 1 B
Diploma seminar
Seminars: 9
2 Assessment 1 C
Speciality: Managing the development of regions and cities
Speciality: Urban and regional development
Subject Number of hours ECTS points Form of verification Code Block
Ethics of public administration
Lectures: 9
Classes: 9
3 Assessment 1 B
Management accounting
Lectures: 18
Classes: 18
6 Exam 1 B
Development strategies in territorial units
Lectures: 18
Classes: 18
4 Exam 1 B
Revitalisation processes management
Lectures: 9
Classes: 18
3 Assessment 1 B
Diploma seminar
Seminars: 9
2 Assessment 1 C
Speciality: Local Government Administration and Economics
Speciality: Managing the development of regions and cities
Speciality: Revitalisation and Immovable Market
Speciality: Urban and regional development
Subject Number of hours ECTS points Form of verification Code Block
Diploma seminar
Seminars: 18
8 Assessment 1 C
Long-lasting and balanced development
Lectures: 9
Classes: 18
5 Exam 1 B
Government ordery
Lectures: 9
Classes: 9
6 Assessment 1 B
Speciality: Local Government Administration and Economics
Speciality: Managing the development of regions and cities
Speciality: Urban and regional development